Squint Eye Treatment- Advanced Strabismus Surgery

Eye muscle surgery is the most effective treatment for squint eye or strabismus. It restores eye functions and prevents vision problems like lazy eye (in children) or double vision (in adults). Undergo squint surgery and correct the alignment of your eyes with the help of the best ophthalmologists in India.

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Squint surgery, also known as strabismus surgery, is a surgical procedure used to correct misalignment of the eyes, which is commonly referred to as a squint or crossed eyes. The surgery aims to improve the alignment of the eyes, enhance binocular vision, and improve overall eye function. Here’s an overview of squint surgery, the treatment process, and potential causes:

Causes (Indications): Squint or strabismus can be caused by various factors, including:

  1. Muscle Imbalance: The muscles that control eye movement may not work together properly, leading to one eye being misaligned.
  2. Nerve and Brain Disorders: Conditions affecting the nerves or brain that control eye movements can result in strabismus.
  3. Amblyopia (Lazy Eye): In some cases, a squint can develop due to one eye having poorer vision, leading the brain to favor the better-seeing eye and causing misalignment.
  4. Genetics: Family history can play a role in the development of strabismus.

Treatment Process: Squint surgery involves repositioning the eye muscles to correct the misalignment and improve eye coordination:

  1. Preoperative Evaluation: An ophthalmologist evaluates the type and severity of the squint, the underlying cause, and the individual’s overall eye health to determine the appropriate treatment plan.
  2. Anesthesia: Squint surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia, ensuring the individual is asleep and pain-free during the procedure.
  3. Muscle Adjustment: The surgeon makes a small incision in the eye’s conjunctiva (clear membrane covering the white part of the eye) to access the eye muscles. The appropriate muscles are then adjusted or repositioned based on the type of squint.
  4. Suture Placement: The muscles are reattached to the eye using sutures (stitches) that dissolve over time. The goal is to achieve proper alignment while allowing for controlled movement of the eye.
  5. Closure: The small incision is closed with sutures or adhesive, and eye drops or ointments may be applied to aid healing.

Recovery and Aftercare: After squint surgery, individuals may experience discomfort, redness, and swelling in the eye for a few days. It’s important to follow the surgeon’s post-operative instructions, which may include:

  • The use of prescribed eye drops or medications to prevent infection and manage inflammation.
  • Avoiding strenuous activities and protecting the eyes from irritants during the initial recovery period.
  • Attending follow-up appointments to monitor healing and ensure proper alignment.

Outcome and Considerations: The success of squint surgery depends on factors such as the type of squint, the individual’s age, the extent of muscle imbalance, and the underlying cause. While the goal of surgery is to improve alignment and eye coordination, complete correction may not always be achievable, and further treatments like glasses, prisms, or additional surgeries might be needed.

It’s important to consult with an experienced ophthalmologist or strabismus specialist to discuss your specific case, receive a proper diagnosis, and determine the best treatment approach for your squint. Early intervention is often crucial, especially in cases involving children, to promote optimal visual development and prevent long-term vision problems

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